Friday 18 February 2011

Mary had a little lamb, and then, another and another ...!

" Misfortunes always come in threes! "
Here I'm again telling you once again of another of my stories; on my normal basic day,one of my chores is to go for a walk with the  5 hounds. When I was coming back from the main field (where the horses are), I suddenly noticed that Mary (one of our sheep) was on the floor beside the round pen totally flat out and looking like she was having contractions, so I decided to put the dogs inside the house.
I rushed into one of the stables, and prepared it for her imminent birth, with fresh straw,food,water and an infra red light in the ceiling.
As always when Sue is not here ,all these things happen, she was flying the whole day. At the beginning I was sitting down next to Mary because she was not able to make any movement, so ,there I was giving her some food and surrounded by ducks,hens,geese, what a picture!

It took me ages to be able to put the animals away because they were more interested in Mary than in the food,which I was bringing into the pen. So there I was with dogs barking inside the house,chasing all the poultry that we have, and of course Mary calling me!
It is at this point of the story when my "fluent spanish" is coming out!
After a long fight  with them, I managed to put all the hens in the pen and Mary inside the stable , once in there I was praying for the lambs to come alright and healthy, but things are never easy at nearly heaven so Mary decided to keep us waiting for 4 nights until she was ready this morning to give birth to 3 little beautiful monkeys! Sorry I mean lambs
ps: Im sure the now, more new stories will come from me, very very soon, no doubt about it!
Thanks Mary!