Monday 8 March 2010

"Here we go again! "

Every time Sue is going to England, I think to myself  : "ok I'm going to be relax and having a shorts holidays"

but like always never happens that way.

Very early in the morning around 7:00, I heard  Teddy crying for going outside, so I decided to put him out, when I was going to feed the horses I thought ,the horses had been playing with  Miracle's rug  again but  my surprise was that I found a little baby sheep between all the horses, so I run as fast as I could and the poor animal was totally frozen, so I took my jacket off and put it around him, immediately I brought him inside the house, in fact inside the bed, so I must say sorry to Sue about the dirty bedding but it was worthy believe me! hahaha!

P1020142I put the radiator on and took  some towels from the wardrobe and I try to warm him out, god knows for how long he has been in there without the b...... mum!.

P1020152So I decided to go to the vet in Chalus and they gave a  special milk for him and the normal milk.


 Once I was feeding him, I said to  myself ok it's time to finish feeding the rest of the animals, but when I was going to put Luna outside, I saw the same sheep hitting another white spot in the far field and I said "oh no! " she was hitting another little sheep, so I took a stick because Romeo ( the castrated male) was facing me again in the middle of the field. I was running towards Lili ( she's the bad mum!) and I hold the baby and I started running towards home with her, in this case it was a beautiful girl, and for my bad luck the baby made this particular noyse thatsheep do ...and Romeo came like a mad thing against me,so I was running as fast as my legs were permitting I got a couple of beautiful reasons to be happy!



I'm keeping an eye on the sheep because you never know what is coming next in here!

Lucia Andrade


  1. Blimey Lucia - three new sheep in a week and all in difficult circumstances! Well done, I'm sure that your new flock will all grow up very healthy thanks to their surrogate mum.

  2. Oh, Lucia,
    Are you okay? Do you want any help? Can we get you anything?
    The wee lambs look absolutely beautiful, but it has left you an even bigger responsibility to try and look after them, the dogs and Sue's mum.
    If you need help just give us a call or email.

  3. Hi Carol-Ann!
    Is very kind of you,thank you very much for the offer but don't worry I always survive :)
    looking forward to seeing you on saturday with Kobi, take care and see you then
    thanks again.
